Sunday 3 August 2014

On Safety

The subject of this blog is personal safety. Safety while traveling as a single woman is paramount. I will have no one but myself to ensure that my person and belongings are safe while I'm away. Traveling alone as a woman has some inherent risks - it can make one a target for unwanted advances, theft, sexual assault, and even kidnapping for human trafficking purposes. 

I wanted to make myself aware and prepare myself as best I can for what is out there. I also wanted to ensure that I was being culturally sensitive and so I read extensively about how to dress & behave in Morocco (the country I'm most concerned about when it comes to my personal safety etc). The Government of Canada has created a document called Her Own Way (who makes these titles?!) that "offers a preventive, female-friendly approach to tackling the security, cultural, health, and social concerns of women travellers." Honestly, its some of the most depressing reading I've ever had to do. But its also smart to be aware (Constant Vigilance will be my motto - ever the Harry Potter fan that I am).

One of the most useful pieces of information from this booklet was learning about the Registration of Canadians Abroad service. I had no idea that such a thing even existed! Its "a free service offered by Foreign Affairs Canada that keeps you connected to Canada in case of an emergency abroad, such as an earthquake or civil unrest, or an emergency at home." So I signed up of course, and gave all the dates and locations (to the best of my ability) where I will be and when I'm returning back to my native soil. 

The other thing I had to do was go out and buy myself a wedding ring. So the other day I did just that, and now I'm officially married to myself. Wearing a wedding ring while traveling as a single woman can protect one from unwanted attention from lecherous men, and was recommended both by the Her Own Way booklet and also by one of my closest friends. Its strange to have to have to do this, but if it keeps me a bit safer, then its worth it.
Rorschach ring photography 
I also have emailed my flight itineraries and made copies of my important documents to give to my mom. I have travel insurance. I have a flashlight and a loud whistle. I have made the decision to try and update this blog once or twice a week - partially to share with all of you my adventures, but also as a way of checking in.

I look forward to the day that the world is a safer place for women - not just those of us who travel. We women deserve to be held in high esteem, respect, and be revered for our life-giving abilities. Until then, be safe and engage the motto of Constant Vigilance.

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