Saturday 2 August 2014

Get crackin' ! I mean packing!!

Sometimes I seem to need a bit of a time pressure to get stuff done. I leave Vancouver in a few days and I have yet to pack my luggage. But I'm not actually too concerned because I have done prep regarding buying all my toiletries and required ergonomic items (see previous post).

I still need to finish packing up my apartment to make way for my sublet person though. She's been very gracious and understanding that I'll need to leave personal items in my space because the thought of trying to move everything into storage this weekend is just plain overwhelming!

I have some tools to help me pack though. I found this comprehensive packing list to help me pack my luggage. I'll have my own list to supplement this however, as I have special needs. My goal is to keep my luggage to 20Kg maximum. Anything over that weight means that I'm going to pay through the nose on flights, especially with the notoriously cheap airline Ryan Air - which I'll be flying with on 2 separate occasions at least. I also bought myself a small electronic luggage scale, so that I can weigh my bag before I go, and ensure that I don't get dinged with insane luggage weight fees.

I still need to buy a few more items but I'm looking good with regards to personal effects and clothing. Some of my friends who have traveled around Europe have suggested that I take 1 item of each type of clothing (underwear and socks excepted). But I know myself. I will want 2-3 t-shirts rather than 1. I've also been coached that I can always buy stuff overseas and then ditch it there before I leave. To me this seems wasteful. I will be buying some clothes for sure while I'm away (I do love me some fashion), but I'm going to do my best to use what I already have here.

1 comment:

  1. It may seem wasteful, but if you're staying in any hostels, it can also be a godsend to the next person who forgot shampoo, or a rain slicker.
