Friday 4 July 2014

In Which I Moonlight as a Stress-Ball

Lately, life has made me feel like this:

Ich ben stressed...

Work is busy as I'm trying to tie up all the loose ends and update all the manuals. Home is busy as I'm getting ready to go to Burn in the Forest next week with my friends to run a volunteer Cloud Cafe with boardgames. So much planning! And then, there's family stuff, health stuff, and oh yah - planning for my trip!

Two steps forward, one step back. Rinse, and repeat. This is what it currently feels like when dealing with a building manager who has many issues (which I won't go into here because I don't want to derail into a rant) and can't figure out how to process a simple sublet request.

At first, he tried to put off dealing with my request until after July 7. Um, how about no? I leave August 5 from Vancouver, and I'd like ample time to ensure that my subletee (is that even a real word?) was confirmed and all details settled, signed, and notarized. Being the assertive person I can be at times, I went to speak with him and explained the situation. He then seemed OK to comply with my request and move forward.

A week goes by and no update from the building manager (BM). Emails from potential subletee asking about the status of their temporary home (aka my apartment) and me having to mediate and be neutral. I phoned the BM asking for an update two days ago.  Yesterday, I came home from work to find a long-winded letter that didn't really adequately answer if he approved my sublet request or not. So I left a voicemail (loaded with annoyance) requesting clarification, and finally last night he called me and he confirmed that he will be calling the references tomorrow. I don't know why some people feel the need to write long-winded, rambling, poorly edited letters rather than pick up the phone and call someone to work things out. Jeez!

Anyway, fingers crossed that this will all work out. Its been a rather stressful couple of weeks. Part of the stress was due to my travel agent's office being broken into, and me needing to cancel my Visa credit card and wait for a new one. Not much travel planning can be done without it! [Thanks Mercury retrograde, you a-hole!]

But as overwhelmed as I've been, things are moving forward. I've now booked travel as far as Sept 4 in Portugal. I still need to book a bit more and then I think I'm going to keep my travel plans fluid as I'm not sure how long I'm going to want to hang around Galicia before I want to head back down into Portugal and down the Atlantic Coast. Decisions, be made in good time, and when my head isn't so full.

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